Shell Namuwongo – Civicon Contract

Project Details

Dutch Shell owns a number of bulk fuel storage tanks under a commercial agreement with the Uganda Government to provide access to these fuel supplies under certain conditions, principally to help regulate and restrain fuel shortages in the country. When deem necessary to make additional volume requirement, the firm contracted Civicon to construct new fuel storage units in the Namuwongo fuel storage plant.
Oloya Julius first job assignment as a Technician with Civicon gave him opportunity to utilize experience from past school training in this field.
When it comes to fabrication, plumbing or welding skills, it is not easy to give a one-size-fits-all answer simply because welding and structural engineering is involved in so many industries. You could never expect the same skill level of the owner of a mobile welding business that serves door and window frames for housing to be the same as the owner of a shop that builds metal tanks for Jet fuels. They each have different standards and ultimate goals—one is a quality-driven service and the other is a production rate- and price-driven industry. Working with a team with sound knowledge of all the welding works and procedures, we assembled, fabricated, and installed two (2) horizontal 1,000,000 litres storage tanks for Ago (Diesel) and one (1) horizontal 1,000,000 litres storage tank PMs (Petrol) during the six (6) months project spanning September 2005-February 2006.

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